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Weekly EMDR group
(over 8 weeks)

There is no sharing of difficult experiences. The only possible sharing between participants is linked to the installation of positive resources.

The group consists of two phases of therapy, divided into two parts: resource installation phase and reprocessing phase.

Before the first intervention phase, we meet the participants to discuss their life history. Delivery of questionnaires to complete (on current symptoms), discussion on the reasons for registering in a group and its functioning, then signing of the consent form.

How it works

01. Meeting with the participant (pre-group, 1h30 - $325)

  • Life story

  • Administration and analysis of questionnaires (before intervention)

  • Estimation of capacity to integrate an EMDR group (can be reassessed in step 3)

When all members registered in the group have been met by the worker, we move on to step 2 of the process.

02. 4 50-minute group meetings, Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. ($75/50-minute group meeting). Maximum of 8 participants

  • Installing resources

  • Strategies for managing emotions

  • Putting anchoring strategies into practice

  • Breathing, use of the 5 senses

  • Sharing positive experiences, if desired​

03. Individual meeting with the participant (30 minutes - $80)
(if necessary; depending on what was discussed with you in step 1)

  • Feedback on the group, estimation of the capacity to integrate an EMDR group. Possibility of re-entering another phase 1 resource installation group

  • Questionnaires

When all members registered in the group have been met by the speaker, we move on to step 4.

The next 4 weeks are for reprocessing target memories. As EMDR is done from individual images/thoughts/emotions/sensations, the participant does not share them with the group. This is the basic condition for the group to take place, so as not to disturb others with difficult content.

04. 4 group meetings of 1 hour 20 minutes, Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. ($130/meeting). Maximum of 5 participants.

  • Reprocessing of targets, individually (within the group, each working independently according to the instructor's instructions)

  • No sharing regarding reprocessed targets

  • Sharing the positive effects of reprocessing, if desired

Follow-up is done with each person according to the evolution of their level of emotional distress in relation to the target they have chosen to work with (on a scale of 0 to 10). Participants may progress at different rates in reprocessing their respective targets.

05. Individual review meeting (30 minutes - $80)

  • Feedback on the group experience

  • Questionnaires (before/after intervention)

  • Referral to other resources as needed

Image de Anna Kovaļova

EMDR group therapy is an innovative approach to overcoming trauma and emotional difficulties following a trying situation.

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Image de Annie Spratt

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